Blood Group Variations in COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma and Regular Blood Donors: A Comparative Analysis in the Serbian Population

Jasmina Grujić, Zorana Budakov-Obradović, Jelena Klašnja, Radovan Dinić, Vladimir Dolinaj, Alejandro Cabezas-Cruz and Pavle Banović

The manuscript by Grujić et al. investigates the potential connection between ABO blood groups and susceptibility to COVID-19. It begins by discussing the role of blood group antigens in immune response to pathogens. The study analyzes ABO blood group distribution among convalescent COVID-19 plasma (CCP) donors and regular blood donors during the pandemic in Serbia, comparing it with pre-pandemic data. Results indicate that individuals with blood group A are more likely to become CCP donors, while those with blood groups B, O, and AB are less likely. Notably, blood group O individuals seem more resistant to symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. The discussion explores possible mechanisms behind these associations, including the role of blood group antigens and anti-ABO antibodies. The findings suggest implications for public health measures and personalized healthcare strategies. Further research is needed to fully understand these connections.


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