Dr. Maja Bogdanić

Department of Virology, Croatian Institute of Public Health

Zagreb, Croatia

Topics of interest: Tick borne pathogen research, Vector-borne diseases, diagnostics (human medicine)

BAVBD contribution:

Offering expertise in tick-borne disease diagnostics, scientific collaboration (projects, publications, organization of symposia).

Relevant references:


  • Croatian Science Foundation IP-2016-06-7456 "Prevalence and molecular epidemiology of emerging and re-emerging neuroinvasive arboviral infections in Croatia"; CRONEUROARBO (project leader)

  • Croatian Science Foundation IP-2020-02-7407: emerging and neglected hepatotropic viruses after solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation“; HepViroTransplant (project collaborator)

  • Next Generation EU project supported by Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, grant number NPOO 1 of the Croatian Veterinary Institute: Epidemiology of avian flaviviruses in the "One Health" context; FLAVIR (project collaborator)


Aleksandar Pavličević, DVM


Prof. Dr. Tatjana Vilibić-Čavlek