Aleksandar Pavličević, DVM

Aves mit d.o.o.

Bajmok- Subotica, Serbia

Topics of interest: Vector control

BAVBD contribution:

  1. Acaricides
    Acaricides (insecticides, synthetic chemical neurotoxic compounds). Defining the profile (essential characteristics for controlling D. gallinae); selection of active substances; monitoring resistance; optimization of practical application; achieved the highest recorded effects in controlling D. gallinae.

  2. SiO2
    Defining the profile of SiO2 formulations; identifying shortcomings and limitations; selection of active substances; innovation of combined application of liquid and powder form; optimization of practical application; achieved the highest recorded effects in controlling D. gallinae.

  3. Inert Oils
    Innovations in the field of specialized formulation of inert oils (P 547/17; P 2019/0033); development of original application technology; achieved the highest recorded effects in controlling D. gallinae.

  4. Extensive Poultry Farming
    Innovations in the field of mechanical control in extensive poultry farming (P 2017/0762).

  5. Program (2000–2021, ongoing)
    We proved the importance and significance of the program (rational control and preventive measures), the possibility and need for eradication (elimination of D. gallinae from production facilities and farms), and the effectiveness of biosecurity measures. The program has been proven in practice.

    Developed elements of the program. Highlights include: innovation in the field of methods for laboratory testing of formulations; determination of biological effectiveness in control (P-441/01); innovation in detection; description of invasion categorization; explained forensic assessment; from the field of biology, proved: the possibility of starvation of D. gallinae for more than a year; the possibility of transmission of D. gallinae with the housefly Musca domestica; resistance of developmental stages of eggs and nymphs, and developed a control strategy based on observations; contributed to the knowledge of prevalence, etc.

    The program is the only one that offers farmers the possibility to solve the problem and prevent further creation of material costs; it protects poultry egg and meat consumers, animals, and the environment to the greatest possible extent. Today, the program is based on inert materials. It has been proven that the use of acaricides in the control of D. gallinae is no longer justified.

    Despite everything, to this day, the generally accepted professional and scientific opinion is that eradication (elimination) of D. gallinae from production facilities or farms is not possible.

Relevant references:

 Pavlićević A., Pavlović I., Stajković N. Bratislav P. (2016)- Evidence for Resistance to Carbaryl in Poultry Red Mites from the Republic of Serbia and Montenegro. Scientific Papers: Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 49 (1), 222-225.

Pavlićević A., Ratajac R., Dotlić M., Stojanov I., Pavlovic I. (2017) - An innovative formulation of paraffin and silicone oils for the control of the red poultry mite (Dermanyssus gallinae) – examination of the efficiency under laboratory conditions. Arhiv veterinarske medicine, 10 (2), 63 – 79.

Pavlićević A., Ratajac R., Stojanov I., Pavlovic I. (2018) - Program control of poultry red mite dermanyssus gallinae, today. Arhiv veterinarske medicine, Vol. 11, No. 2, 71 - 88, 2018. Pavlićević A. … et al.: The control program of red poultry mite… UDK 36.52/.58:616.995.42

Pavlicevic А., Ratajac R., Мilica Dotlic, Igor S., Pavlovic I. (2018б) - Innovative formulation of paraffin and silicone oils for control of poultry red mite (Dermanyssus gallinae) – 2. comparative laboratory efficacy examinations with active matter SiO2. Arhiv veterinarske medicine, Vol. 10, No. 2, 63 - 79, 2017.

Pavlićević А., Ratajac R., Stojanov I., Pavlovic I. (2018ц): Innovative Formulation Of Paraffin And Silicon Oils For The Control Of Poultry Red Mite (Dermanyssus gallinae) - 3. Comparative Clinical Examination of Efficacy with Active Matter SiO2. Invention Journal of Research Technology in Engineering & Management, 2 (10), 24-30.

Pavlićević Aleksandar, Radomir Ratajac, Igor Stojanov, Ivan Pavlović (2019) - AN EXAMPLE OF RATIONAL DERMANYSSUS GALLINAE CONTROL – PULCAP. Arhiv veterinarske medicine, Vol. 12, No. 1, 71 - 85, 2019.

Pavlićević A., Pavlović I, Ratajac R., Danica Popović, Davidović B, Krnjajić D. (2019а) - POULTRY WELFARE IN TERMS OF POULTRY RED MITE (DERMANYSSUS GALLINAE) IMPACT AND CONTROL. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 35 (1), 1-11 , 2019 ISSN 1450-9156 Publisher: Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun UDC 636.09'65

Pavlićević A., Pavlovic I. (2020) Pulcap – Reference book; Pulcap d.o.o., Subotica, Serbia.

Pavlicevic A, Pavlovic I, Здравковић Н, Yoon J., Baoliang P. (2021) - APPLICATION OF INERT OILS IN THE CONTROL OF RED CHICKEN MITES DERMANYSSUS GALLINAE. Book of abstracts Abstracts submitted in 2019 and accepted in 2020 26th World’s Poultry Congress Organized by French Branch of the World’s Poultry Science Association. Постер

Aleksandar Pavlicevic, Radomir Ratajac, Ivan Pavlovic (2024) =

ANT22 - metod kontrole vodenom emulzijom, prilog racionalne kontrole Dermanyssus gallinae / ANT22 - method of water emulsion control, annex to the rational control of Dermanyssus gallinae. New

Conference Paper. April 2024. XXVI Simpozijum epizootiologa i epidemiologa (XXVI Epizootiološki dani) / XXVI Symposium of Epizootiologists and Epidemiologists (XXVI Epizootiological Days


Dr. Maja Bogdanić