Prof. Dr. Stjepan Krčmar

Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer

University of Osijek

Osijek, Croatia

Topic of interest: Epidemiology and Biostatistics

BAVBD contribution:

Study of hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) fauna diversity, distribution and host-tick interactions. Study of flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) fauna diversity as well as horseflies (Diptera: Tabanidae) fauna diversity. Research of impact of different attractants to trap efficiency in horseflies sampling as well as impact of trap design on sampling efficiency. 

Relevant references:

Vilibić-Čavlek, T., Krčmar, S., Bogdanić, M.,  Tomljenović, M., Barbić, Lj., Rončević, D., Sabadi, D., Vucelja, M., Santini, M., Hunjak, B., Stevanović, M., Boljfetić, M., Bjedov, L., Masović, V., Potočnik-Hunjadi, T., Lakoseljac, D., Al-Mufleh, M., Savić V. 2024. An overview of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Epidemiology in Endemic Regions of Continental Croatia, 2017-2023. Microorganisms, 12, 386.

 Vilibić-Čavlek, T., Stevanović, V., Krčmar, S., Savić, V., Kovač, S., Bogdanić, M., Maurić Maljković, M., Sabadi, D., Santini, M., Potočnik-Hunjadi, T., Al-Mufleh, M., Barbić, Lj. 2023. Detection of Bhanja bandavirus in patients with neuroinvasive disease of unknown etiology in Croatia. Microorganisms, 11, 2155.

Vilibić-Čavlek, T., Janev-Holcer, N., Bogdanić, M., Ferenc, T., Vujica Ferenc, M., Krčmar, S., Savić, V., Stevanović, V., Ilić, M., Barbić, Lj. 2023. Current status of vector-borne diseases in Croatia: challenges and future prospects. Life, 13, 1856.

Bilbija, B., Spitzweg, C., Papoušek, I., Fritz, U., Foldvari, G., Mullett, M., Ihlow, F., Sprong, H., Civanova Križova, K., Anisimov, N.,  Belova, A.O.,  Bonnet, I.S., Bychkova, E., Czulowska, A., Duscher, G.G., Fonville, M., Kahl, O., Karbowiak, G., Kholodilov, S.I., Kiewra, D., Krčmar, S., Kumisbek, G., Livanova, N., Majlath, I., Manfredi, M.T., Mihalca, D.A., Miro, G., Moutailler, S., Nebogatkin, V.I., Tomanović,  S., Vatansever, Z., Yakovich, M., Zanzani, S., Široky, P. 2023. Dermacentor reticulatus – a tick on its way from glacial refugia to a panmictic Eurasian population. International journal for parasitology 53: 91-101.

Vucelja, M., Krčmar, S., Habuš, J., Mojčec Perko, V., Boljfetić, M., Bjedov, L., Margaletić, J. 2023. Altitudinal distribution, seasonal dynamics and Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato infections in hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in different forest communities in inland Croatia. Sustainability 4862: 1-23.

Krčmar S. 2023. Diversity of flesh flies (Sarcophagidae, Sarcophaginae) of pond habitats in rural areas in the Croatian part of Baranja. ZooKeys 1159: 17-36.

Krčmar, S., Kučinić, M., Pezzi, M., Bruvo Mađarić, B. 2022. DNA barcoding of the horsefly fauna (Diptera, Tabanidae) of Croatia with notes on the morphology and taxonomy of selected species from Chrysopsinae and Tabaninae. ZooKeys 1087, 141-161.

Krčmar, S., Klobučar, A., Vucelja, M., Boljfetić, M., Kučinić, M., Madić, J., Cvek, M., Bruvo Mađarić, B. 2022. DNA barcoding of hard ticks (Ixodidae), notes on distribution of vector species and new faunal record for Croatia. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 13, 101920.

Pezzi, M., Krčmar, S., Mendicino, F., Carlomagno, F., Bonelli, D.,  Scapoli, C.,  Chicca, M., Leis, M., Bonacci, T. 2022.  Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae) as agent of myiasis in a goose in Italy and a review of myiasis by this species in birds. Insects 13, 542.

Krčmar, S. 2021. The Effectiveness of Malaise Traps, H-Traps, and Sticky Traps for Collecting Horseflies (Diptera: Tabanidae). Journal of Entomological Science 56, (4) 570-576.

Pezzi, M., Scapoli, C., Marchetti, G.M., Chicca, M., Krčmar, S, Leis, M., Bonacci, T. 2021. Alternative Use of the Insecticide Diofenolan on Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae): A Morphological and Ultrastructural Investigation. Sustainability 13, (18) 10122.

Vilibić-Čavlek, T., Barbić, Lj., Mrzljak, A., Brnić, D., Klobučar, A., Ilić, M., Janev-Holcer, N., Bogdanić, M., Jemeršić, L., Stevanović, V., Tabain, I., Krčmar, S., Vucelja, M., Prpić, J., Boljfetić, M., Jeličić, P., Madić, J., Ferenčak, I., Savić, V. 2021. Emerging and neglected viruses of zoonotic importance in Croatia. Pathogens 10, 73.

Bučanović, T., Kovačević, J., Krčmar, S. (2020) Efficiency of six different octenol-baited traps for collecting horseflies (Diptera: Tabanidae). Medical and Veterinary Entomology 34, 493-497.

Kovačević, J., Bučanović, T., Krčmar, S. (2020) Hard tick fauna (Acari: Ixodidae) in different types of habitats in the city of Osijek (Eastern Croatia). Natura Croatica 29, 63-72.

Krčmar, S. (2019) Diversity, ecology, and seasonality of hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in eastern Croatia. Journal of Vector Ecology 44, 18-29.

Krčmar, S., Whitmore, D., Pape, T., Buenaventura, E. (2019) Checklist of the Sarcophagidae (Diptera) of Croatia, with new records from Croatia and other Mediterranean countries. ZooKeys 831, 95-155.

Pezzi, M., Bonacci, T.,  Leis, M., Mamolini, E., Marchetti, M.G., Krčmar, S., Chicca, M., Del Zingaro, C.N.F., Faucheux, M.J., Scapoli, C. (2019) Myiasis in domestic cats: a global review. Parasites & Vectors 12, 2-14.

Pezzi, M., Scapoli, C., Mamolini, E., Leis, M., Bonacci, T., Whitmore, D., Krčmar, S., Furini, M., Giannerini, S., Chicca, M., Cultrera, R., Faucheux, M.J. (2018) Ultrastructural characterization of sensilla and microtrichia on the antenna of female Haematopota pandazisi (Diptera: Tabanidae). Parasitology Research 117, 959-970.

Krčmar S. (2017) Comparative efficiency of three trap types for collecting host-seeking female Tabanid flies (Diptera: Tabanidae). Journal of Entomological Science 52, 82-86.

 Baldacchino F., Krčmar S., Bernard C., Manon S., Jay-Robert P. (2017) The impact of  land use and climate on tabanid assemblages in Europe. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 239, 112-118.

Krčmar S., Radolić V., Lajoš P., Lukačević I. (2014) Efficiency of colored modified box traps for sampling of tabanids. Parasite 21, 67.

Krčmar S., Vereš M. & Trilar T. (2014) Fauna of hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in different habitats in Croatian part of Baranja. Šumarski list 138, 309-314.

Krčmar S. (2013) Comparison of the efficiency of the olfactory and visual traps in the  collection of horse flies (Diptera: Tabanidae). Entomologia Generalis 34, 261-267.

Kčmar S. (2012) Hard ticks (Acari, Ixodidae) of Croatia. ZooKeys 234, 19 – 57.

Krčmar S., Hackenberger K.D. and Hackenberger K.B. (2011) Key to the horse flies fauna of Croatia (Diptera, Tabanidae). Periodicum biologorum 113, Suppl 2.  1-61.

Krčmar S., Mikuška A. & Radolić V. (2010) Comparison of sampling tabanids (Diptera: Tabanidae) by four different potential attractants. Journal of Applied  Entomology 134, 608-613.

Krčmar S. (2007) Responses of Tabanidae (Diptera) to canopy traps baited with 4-methylphenol, 3- isopropylphenol, and naphthalene. Journal of Vector Ecology 32, 188-192.

Krčmar S. (2005) Seasonal abundance of horse flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) from two locations in eastern Croatia. Journal of Vector Ecology 30, 316-321.

Krčmar S. (2005) Response of horse flies (Diptera, Tabanidae) to different olfactory attractants. Biologia (Bratislava) 60, 611-613.

Krčmar S., Hribar L.J., Kopi M. (2005) Response of Tabanidae (Diptera) to natural and synthetic olfactory attractants. Journal of Vector Ecology 30, 133-136.


Dr. Zlatko Arsenievski


Prof. Dr. Nataša Rančić