Assist. Prof. Vanya Rangelova

Department of Epidemiology and Disaster Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Plovdiv

Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Topic of interest: Epidemiology and Biostatistics

BAVBD contribution:

Surveillance and Monitoring: designing and implementing surveillance systems in tracking the distribution and prevalence of vector-borne diseases, collecting, and analyzing data on disease incidence, and environmental factors.

Epidemiological Investigations: Conducting epidemiological studies to understand the risk factors, transmission dynamics, and determinants of vector-borne diseases.

Vector Control Strategies: Collaborate with entomologists and other experts to evaluate the effectiveness of vector control measures such as insecticide-treated bed nets, indoor residual spraying, larval control, and environmental management.

Capacity Building and Training: Contribute to training programs and capacity-building initiatives aimed at enhancing the skills of healthcare professionals, public health workers, and community members in the prevention, diagnosis, and management of vector-borne diseases.

Policy Development and Advocacy: Provide scientific evidence and expert input to inform policy development at local, national, and international levels related to vector-borne disease prevention, control, and surveillance.


Collaborative Research: Collaborate with other researchers, institutions, and organizations to conduct multidisciplinary research on vector-borne diseases, including epidemiology, entomology, ecology, immunology, and molecular biology.


Public Education and Communication: Develop educational materials and communication campaigns to raise awareness about vector-borne diseases, their transmission, prevention measures, and the importance of community involvement in control efforts.

Relevant references:

  1. Komitova R, Vasilev P, Kevorkyan A, Rangelova V, The dengue vaccines challenges, Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, 2021, 57(1):84-90.

  2. Komitova R, Kevorkyan A, Boykinova O, Christova I, Rangelova V, Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever without bleeding, Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, 2022;55(4):691-695.

  3. Getsova Z, Rangelova V, Comparing traditional and syndromic surveillance: review on different practices and added value from the approach, Journal of IMAB

  4. Getsova, Z., & Rangelova, V. (2023). Infectious diseases risk framing in Bulgarian media during early COVID-19 pandemic and the Ebola crisis. Available at SSRN 4671652.

  5. Rangelova, V., Raycheva, R., Sariyan, S., & Kevorkyan, A. (2022). Reporting adverse events of COVID-19 vaccines: The case of Bulgaria. PLoS One, 17(6), e0269727.

  6. Golkocheva-Markova, E., Ismailova, C., Kevorkyan, A., Raycheva, R., Zhelyazkova, S., Kotsev, S., ... & Ciccaglione, A. R. (2023). Age and Gender Trends in the Prevalence of Markers for Hepatitis E Virus Exposure in the Heterogeneous Bulgarian Population. Life, 13(6), 1345


Eleftherios Meletis, DVM