Prof. Anastasia Diakou

Laboratory of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases

School of Veterinary Medicine

Faculty of Health Sciences

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki, Greece

Topics of interest:

Diagnostics and Laboratory research

Material and data collection from the field

Generation of data for epidemiological studies

BAVBD contribution:

  • VBP epidemiology from the parasitological and veterinary point of view, and development of connections for access to the human medicine aspect in my country.

  •  Generation of new data on vectors and VBD occurrence, distribution and prevalence.

  • Collection and assessment of existing relevant data.

  •  I am member (secretary) of the Board or the European Society of Dirofilariosis and Angiostrongylosis (ESDA).

  • I can contribute to the activities of BAVBD related to the emerging problem of dirofilariosis.

Relevant references:

  1. Ticks, Fleas, and Harboured Pathogens from Dogs and Cats in Cyprus. Diakou, A., Sofroniou, D., Paoletti, B., Tamvakis, A., Kolencik, S., Dimzas, D., Morelli, S., Grillini, M., & Traversa, D. (2022). Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland), 11(12), 1403.

  2. Ticks and tick-borne pathogens in wild birds in Greece. Diakou Α., Norte Α.C. Lopes de Carvalho I., et al.  Parasitology Research, 115:2011–2016, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s00436-016-4943-3

  3. Host dispersal shapes the population structure of a tick-borne bacterial pathogen.  Norte A.C., Margos G, Becker N.S., et al. Molecular Ecology, 29:485-501, 2020, DOI: 10.1111/mec.15336

  4. Endoparasites and vector-borne pathogens in dogs from Greek islands: pathogen distribution and zoonotic implications.  Diakou A., Di Cesare A., Morelli S., et al. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 8;13(5):e0007003, 2019, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007003

  5. Intestinal parasites and vector-borne pathogens in stray and free-roaming cats living in continental and insular Greece. Diakou A., Di Cesare A., Accettura P.M., et al. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 31;11(1):e0005335, 2017,  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005335

  6. Concern for Dirofilaria immitis and Macrocyclic Lactone Loss of Efficacy: Current Situation in the USA and Europe, and Future Scenarios. Diakou, A., & Prichard, R. K. (2021). Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland)10(10), 1323.

  7. Diversity and geographic distribution of haplotypes of Dirofilaria immitis across European endemic countries.Alsarraf, M., Carretón, E., Ciuca, L., Diakou, A., et al (2023). Parasites & vectors16(1), 325.

  8. Use of In-Clinic Diagnostic Kits for the Detection of Seropositivity to Leishmania infantum and Other Major Vector-Borne Pathogens in Healthy Dogs. Morelli, S., Diakou, A., Frangipane di Regalbono, A., Colombo, M., Simonato, G., Di Cesare, A., Passarelli, A., Pezzuto, C., Tzitzoudi, Z., Barlaam, A., Beall, M., Chandrashekar, R., Pantchev, N., & Traversa, D. (2023). Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland)12(5), 696.


Prim. dr. Višnja Mrđen


Dr. Maja Travar