Prof. Dr. Iva Christova

National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

Sofia, Bulgaria

Topic of interest: Diagnostic and Laboratory research

Relevant references:

Panayotova E, E. Taseva, N. Mitkova, D. Duhalov, I. Christova. Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus detected in ticks Hyalomma aegyptium (l., 1758) (Ixodidae) parasitising on tortoises Testudo graeca L., 1758 (Testudinidae) in Bulgaria. Acta Zool. Bulg. Published online 6 Feb 2023.


Trifonova I, Christova I, Ivanova-Aleksandrova N. Gladnishka T, Ivanova V, Panayotova E, Taseva E, Dimitrov D, Marinov M, Kamenov G, Zehtindjiev P. Survey of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and West Nile fever virus in wild birds in Bulgaria. Biologia 77, 2022, 3519-3524.


Christova, I., A. Papa, I. Trifonova, E. Panayotova, S. Pappa, O. Mikov. West Nile virus lineage 2 in humans and mosquitoes in Bulgaria, 2018–2019. Journal of Clinical Virology, 2020, 127: 104365


Christova I, Panayotova E, Trifonova I, Taseva E, Gladnishka T, Ivanova V. Serologic evidence of widespread Toscana virus infection in Bulgaria. J Infect Public Health 2020 Feb; 13(2):164-166


Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Cvetkovikj


Dr. Pavle Banović