Assist. Prof. Biljana Popovska Jovičić

University Clinical Centre Kragujevac

Department of Infectious diseases

Faculty of Medical Sciences

University of Kragujevac, Serbia

Kragujevac, Serbia

Topic of interest: Tick-borne diseases, Zoonoses

Relevant references:

  1. Popovska Jovičić B, Raković I, Gavrilović J, Sekulić Marković S, Petrović S, Marković V, Pavković A, Čanović P, Radojević Marjanović R, Irić-Čupić V, Popović Dragonjić L, Milosavljević MZ. Vitamin D, Albumin, and D-Dimer as Significant Prognostic Markers in Early Hospitalization in Patients with COVID-19. J Clin Med. 2023 Apr 12;12(8):2825. doi: 10.3390/jcm12082825. 

  2. Randall Harrell C, Popovska Jovicic B, V Djonov V, Volarević V. Molecular Mechanisms Responsible for Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Treatment of Viral Diseases. Pathogens 2021; 10 (4):409.

  3. Sreckovic M, Radojevic Marjanovic R, Popovska Jovicic B, Jankovic S,   Medovic R,Begovic Cvetkovic M, Lazarevic T, Milosavljevic M, Simovic S, Vucic R. Multisysteminflammatory   syndrome   in   a   young   adult   successfully   treated   with   plasmapheresis,immunoglobulins, and corticosteroids: a case report. International Journal of InfectiousDiseases.2022; 122:1052-1055.

  4. Sekulic Markovic S, Gajovic N, Jurisevic M, Jovanovic M, Popovska Jovicic B, Arsenijevic N, Mijailovic Z, Jovanovic M, Dolicanin Z, Jovanovic I. Galectin-1 as the new player in staging and prognosis of COVID-19. Scientific Reports 2022; DOI : 10.1038/s41598-021-04602-z

  5. Randall Harrell C, Popovska Jovicic B, Djonov V, Volarevic V. Therapeutic Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Their Secretome in the Treatment of SARS-CoV-2-Induced Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Analytical Cellular Pathology; 2020 Nov,ArticleID1939768,11pages

  6. Lukic R, Gajovic N, Jovanovic I, Jurisevic M, Mijailovic Z, Maric V, Popovska Jovicic B, Arsenijevic N. Potential Hepatoprotective Role of Galectin-3 during HCV Infection in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients. Dis Markers. 2017;2017:6275987

  7. B. Popovska-Jovičić, P. Čanović, O. Gajović, I. Raković, Ž. Mijailović. Fever of unknown origin: Most frequent causes in adults patients. Vojnosanit Pregl 2016; 73(1): 21–25.


Dr. Monika Mudrovčić


Dr. Marija Najdovska